Optimizing IoT Device Communication: Adaptive Load Balancing and Data Prioritization for Efficient Cloud and Edge Integration




The Internet of Things (IoT) accelerated the proliferation of linked devices, resulting in networks that handle and send enormous volumes of data. Maintaining effective connections between these devices and cloud or edge infrastructures has become more difficult due to this growth. Effective communication protocols are essential to handle large data volumes without overloading the infrastructure and guarantee optimal performance, low latency, and economical resource utilization. This study looks at several approaches to improve communication between IoT devices, such as adaptive load balancing, data prioritization, and latency reduction methods. We highlight each strategy's main advantages and drawbacks by contrasting cloud-centric and edge-centric frameworks. Adaptive protocols that increase data processing efficiency, lower energy consumption, and improve network scalability are being investigated in our research. The findings shed light on combining cloud and edge solutions to build scalable, more robust infrastructures that can handle the needs of digital environments in the future.


Internet of things, Adaptive load balancing, Cloud computing, Edge computing, Data prioritization, Latency reduction


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How to Cite

Rai, T. (2024). Optimizing IoT Device Communication: Adaptive Load Balancing and Data Prioritization for Efficient Cloud and Edge Integration. Optimality, 1(2), 318-325. https://doi.org/10.22105/opt.v1i2.63