The Impact of 5G Wireless Technology on Smart Home Automation Systems: A Review of Recent Trends and Applications
Smart Home Automation Systems (SHAS) have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering homeowners convenience, security, and energy efficiency. However, the current generation of wireless technology, such as 4G LTE, has speed, latency, and connectivity limitations, which can hinder the performance of smart home devices. With the introduction of 5G technology, there is a potential for significant improvements in the functionality and reliability of SHAS. However, some challenges must be addressed to realize the benefits of 5G in smart homes fully. To investigate the impact of 5G on SHAS, a comprehensive literature review was conducted to gather information on the current state of the art in smart home technology and the potential benefits of 5G. Additionally, interactive sessions were held with industry experts and stakeholders to gather insights on the challenges and opportunities presented by integrating 5G in smart homes. The data collected was analyzed to identify key trends and issues related to the impact of 5G on SHAS. The findings of this study indicate that 5G technology has the potential to revolutionize SHAS by providing faster speeds, lower latency, and improved connectivity. This can enable more seamless integration of smart devices, enhance the user experience, and enable new applications and services in smart homes. However, some challenges must be addressed, such as security concerns, interoperability issues, and the need for infrastructure upgrades to support 5G technology in smart homes. Hence, manufacturers should prioritize the development of 5G-compatible smart devices to ensure seamless integration with 5G networks. Also, service providers should invest in infrastructure upgrades to support 5G technology in smart homes.
Smart devices, Sensors, Actuator, Smart Home Automation, 5G, MicrocontrollerReferences
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