Evaluation of Potential Logistics Village Alternatives Using Bayesian Best-Worst Method




Logistics centers, essential for cost-effective logistics and integral to logistics strategies, serve as central hubs for various activities involving public and private logistics organizations. Turkey's logistics sector has seen significant growth due to rising national and international trade. To meet this demand, numerous logistics villages have been proactively established, with 11 currently operational. Among these, Sakarya province, recognized for its substantial trade volume, is a focal point. This study, employing the powerful Bayesian Best-Worst Method (B-BWM) for multi-criteria decision-making, concentrates on selecting the optimal location for a logistics village in Sakarya. Criteria weights were determined, and alternatives ranked through expert opinions, surveys, and interviews. The Sapanca and Arifiye regions emerged as prime choices. The study emphasizes the importance of logistics infrastructure, with distribution networks and logistics services as vital sub-criteria. The B-BWM method's efficacy in addressing logistics village planning challenges is evident, offering valuable guidance for decision-makers.    


Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods, Logistic Village, Bayesian Best-Worst Method


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How to Cite

Koç, S., Erden, C., Ateş, Çağdaş, & Ceviz, E. (2024). Evaluation of Potential Logistics Village Alternatives Using Bayesian Best-Worst Method. Optimality, 1(1), 100-120. https://doi.org/10.22105/opt.v1i1.35

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